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Would You Ride A Motorized Suitcase Through The Airport?

Why walk when you can ride through the airport to your gate? That’s the idea behind Modobag, a ridable suitcase.

You may have seen the clever invention on Good Morning America or on the company’s very successful Indiegogo campaign. After failing to find funding on Kickstarter, the team moved their fundraising efforts and brought in $388,704.

The bag can get you moving at eight miles per hour outside and five miles per hour inside. That’s about three times faster than just walking to your gate. With a full charge, you can ride the Modobag up to six miles. It also has a USB port so you can keep your devices charged as well.

“Now you’ll have shorter commutes, always know where your belongings are, never miss tight connections, always have a fully charged phone, and never sweat (literally) catching a connecting flight,” the company wrote about the bag. “Modobag can resolve all of these everyday scheduling speed bumps that lead to a horrible travel experience and remake your day into a smooth ride.”

Image via Indiegogo.

Image via Indiegogo.

But do you really want to be on a motorized device in a crowded airport? Between security lines and people standing in front of giant screens trying to find their gates, there’s plenty to run into. Plus, travelers already spend a lot of time sitting on their flights so shouldn’t we take advantage of the walk to our gate?

There are a few other negative aspects of the Modobag – namely the price and weight. The bag starts at $1,095, which is a lot more money than your average carry on. And the bag weighs 19 pounds before you put all of your belongings inside of it. It’s still compact so it could pass TSA regulations, but some airlines might prohibit the use of it based on the weight alone.

So, what do you think, will you be ordering a Modobag? Watch a video demonstrating it below.

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