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This Town Will Give A Job And Land To Anyone Willing To Move

Do you love small, adorable island towns? If so, you should consider this incredible offer from Cape Breton, which sits at the eastern end of Nova Scotia. Anyone willing to move there will be given a job and some land.

Yep, you read that right. The Farmer’s Daughter Country Market is expanding and offering potential Cape Breton residents a job if they get themselves to the small town. The community only has 150,000 people, but gorgeous sunsets and all four seasons.

Cape Breton

Image via Facebook.

The market is a bakery and general store so your responsibilities will likely include some cooking and stocking of shelves. When you’re not doing that, though, you’ll have plenty of time to explore Cape Breton and get cozy on your new two acres of land.

The forward-thinking business put out a call for new employees on Facebook. See all the requirements for the move in their post.

“Are you someone who is looking to live a simpler life, close to nature, in an area that still believes in community meals and weekly jam sessions,” the owners shared online. “We can’t give you big money, but we can give you an awesome life.”

Sounds good to us!

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